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Research Topic

There are many social and demographic factors that affect our society as we know it today. This includes gender, education, ethnicity, religion, marital status, employment and income. One factor in particular that isn't spoken about enough is age. We live in an era of new media where society is segregated by age especially due to older generations having difficulty keeping up with rapid technological advances. In contrast, younger generations grew up with these technological advances - in other words, they can be considered digital natives.

Research Topic: Intro

Meet the Generations

Many researchers use various age groups during their research on the generational gap. This often includes a much older age group called the silent generation and much younger groups called the alpha generation. However, for my research project I have categorized the generations in the following order as these are the generations using new media more heavily. 

  • Baby boomers: Born between 1944-1964

  • Generation X: Born between 1965-1979

  • Millennials: Born between 1980-1994

  • Generation Z: Born between 1995-2015

Research Topic: Body

The Problem

As we age our needs and spending habits change. With the efforts to avoid the spread of COVID-19, older generations are more dependent on technology since they are more vulnerable than younger generations. Through this research project the value in marketing towards a wider age demographic will be rediscovered. From looking into the media consumption patterns and spending behaviours of the generations we can better understand the benefits for both consumers and producers in catering towards audiences of all ages. 






Research Topic: Conclusion
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